
Snapcraft Summit summary – day 1

by Alan Pope on 1 February 2018

The first day of the Snapcraft Summit in Seattle kicked off with a simple round of introductions and each participant voicing their plans for the week. People from Microsoft, Skype, Slack, Electron and CircleCI joined the snap advocacy and Snapcraft teams to crank through their tasks. Snapcraft community superstar Dan Llwellyn started his […]

Plex joins Snapcraft Summit to advance snap learnings

by Sarah Dickinson on 31 January 2018

Plex is the leading streaming platform for personal media collections, also offering over-the-air Live TV and DVR capabilities, and curated news from over 200 global media partners. It’s the only solution that seamlessly combines your personal collection of TV shows, movies, music, photos, and videos alongside live and recorded TV. With a […]

A peek at the Snapcraft Summit

by Sergio Schvezov on 26 January 2018

The Snapcraft Summit, taking place in Seattle from January 29th to February 2nd, is a forward-thinking five day software hackathon being attended by major software vendors and snap developers working to move the industry forward with software delivery. In the style introduced by the famous BarCamps of old, the agenda is totally free-form […]

JetBrains adopts snaps to further simplify developers’ lives

by Sarah Dickinson on 19 December 2017

Used by companies as diverse as NASA, Pinterest, and CitiBank, JetBrains takes the repetition out of a developer’s life through their range of developer tools which automate routine checks and corrections. JetBrains offers 21 different tools for developers and in the last couple of months have created snaps for around half of their portfo […] achieves simplicity through snaps

by Sarah Dickinson on 11 December 2017

Snaps & automatic updates prove popular with email client, Mailspring

by Sarah Dickinson on 5 December 2017

In the latest interview with a snap developer, we spoke to Ben Gotow who is the lead maintainer of Mailspring, a free, modern email client for Linux, Windows, and macOS. Originally started and open-sourced by Nylas in California, Ben took on the project earlier this year after Nylas changed course and stopped development. Mailspring has […]

Announcing snapcraft 2.35

by Sergio Schvezov on 22 November 2017

The snapcraft team is pleased to announce that version 2.35 has been released. Contributions This release saw some excellent contributions from outside the snapcraft core team, and we want to give a shout out to those folks. A team thank you to: Mark Lee Michael Vogt James Beedy Aleix Pol Jeff Dickey Nathan Haines Chris […]

Orchestrating architectural installations and live shows with snaps

by Sarah Dickinson on 15 November 2017

Dutch manufacturer Visual Productions BV, provides multi-platform software and solid-state hardware lighting control technology for namely the architectural, retail, venue and entertainment lighting industries. Originating from an engineering background, Visual Productions combines creative thinking with the talent of listening to market […]

Discovering snaps with .NET and Microsoft

by Sarah Dickinson on 8 November 2017

.NET Core, run by the .NET Foundation and Microsoft,  is a free, cross-platform platform that supports building and running the next generation of web services, microservices and apps. By its very nature, it is an open source platform which supports cross-platform development. Lee Coward and Rakesh Singh at Microsoft are working on the pr […]

Using snaps to advance robotics development

by Sarah Dickinson on 30 October 2017

Robotics development has seen great expansion in recent years. Some roboticists strongly believe that this expansion is not only due to the rise of inexpensive sensors and actuators but also to the new software trends enabling code sharing and reuse at a much larger scale than ever before. We spoke to Mohamed Saad Ibn Seddik, […]

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