
Install latest/stable of svg2pts

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Channel Version Published

Command line program to convert an SVG to points.

Converts the paths in a SVG to a list of points. Paths are interoplated into a set of points.

  • Paths can be sampled at set distances.

  • Composable in a Unix style

  • Fast performance.

    svg2pts 0.1.3 Converts all paths in a svg to a list of points. Paths with no stroke nor fill are ignored. Output is a sequence of points, X Y\n.

    USAGE: svg2pts [OPTIONS] [ <input> [<output>] ]

    FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information

    OPTIONS: -a, --accuracy <accuracy> Set target accuracy for bezier curve [default: 0.1] -d, --distance <distance> Set target distance between points, depends on DPI of SVG. If distance == 0.0 point distance not normalized. [default: 0.0]

    ARGS: <input> Input SVG file, stdin if not present <output> Output file, stdout if not present

Details for svg2pts

  • MIT

Last updated
  • 5 March 2020 - latest/stable


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