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Channel Version Published

A Simple Budgeting program using the envelope system

Simple Budget is a simple standalone home budgeting program (app) that helps you manage your spending and saving.

Simple Budget was written because I wanted a very simple way of keeping track of my expenses and savings from month to month.

What Simple Budget Does:

  • Keeps track of your spending.
  • Allows you to track your saving for a budget fund month to month
  • It is easy.
  • It is free. Use at your own risk, It is a work in progress.

Here is a list of NON-features:

  • It does not have any bells and whistles.
  • It is not “internationalized” and uses the “$”.
  • Since I initially wrote if for myself, it is in “English”.
  • It does not encrypt its data file.
  • It does not access the Internet.
  • You can not access it on-line.
  • There is no smartphone app for it.
  • It does not display ads.
  • And it does not spy on you.

I created Simple Budget for my own use. If you find bugs, I would love to know about them. If you have an idea for a feature or a suggestion of how to do something better, I welcome it. I created Simple Budget for myself, and decided maybe someone else could benefit from it also. Enjoy using Simple Budget as you strive to be a better steward of your finances.

Details for SimpleBudget

  • GPL-3.0+

Last updated
  • 2 October 2023 - latest/stable



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Where people are using SimpleBudget

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 24.10
Zorin OS 17
Ubuntu 18.04
Ubuntu 23.04