Vulkan Graphics API Examples
Examples for the Vulkan graphics API.
Run via the terminal.
Example commands:
More examples is available. Just write <vulkan-examples><dot> and Tab twice to get the full list.
Available command line options:
-bfs, --benchmarkframes: Only render the given number of frames
-v, --validation: Enable validation layers
-br, --benchruntime: Set duration time for benchmark mode in seconds
-vs, --vsync: Enable V-Sync
-w, --width: Set window width
-f, --fullscreen: Start in fullscreen mode
--help: Show help
-h, --height: Set window height
-bt, --benchframetimes: Save frame times to benchmark results file
-s, --shaders: Select shader type to use (glsl or hlsl)
-b, --benchmark: Run example in benchmark mode
-g, --gpu: Select GPU to run on
-bf, --benchfilename: Set file name for benchmark results
-gl, --listgpus: Display a list of available Vulkan devices
-bw, --benchwarmup: Set warmup time for benchmark mode in seconds