HawkBit Update Server
Eclipse HawkBit Update Server offers flexible local deployments and updates
of both operating system and application software, tailored to local needs.
The snap package is in early preview.
The package uses pure-java H2 database stored in $SNAP_DATA/database.
Uploaded artifacts are similarly stored in the local file system, as
The super-user name and password can be set with
snap set hawkbit username=...
snap set hawkbit password=...
The default username and password is admin/admin.
The port number can be set with
snap set hawkbit port=...
The default port is 8080.
To use hawkbit without a reverse proxy you must set the IP to listen to to
the desired IP (or to listen on all the interfaces). This can be
done with
snap set hawkbit address=...
In the future additional settings will allow setting up Rabbit MQ.