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Install humble/stable of husarion-webui

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Install using the command line

sudo snap install husarion-webui

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Channel Version Published

A web UI for Husarion robots

The husarion-webui snap includes web user interfaces for Panther, ROSbot XL and ROSbot 2 running in Foxglove.


The snap provides the following configurable parameters (param name: default value):

  • ros: {...}
  • webui: {...}

The ros contains the following keys:

  • ros.domain-id: 0 - Sets the ROS_DOMAIN_ID environment variable for the ROS driver.
  • ros.localhost-only: 0 - Sets the ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY environment variable for the ROS driver.
  • ros.transport: udp - Configures DDS transport. Options are udp, shm, builtin (or rmw_fastrtps_cpp), rmw_cyclonedds_cpp. Corresponding DDS XML files can be found in the /var/snap/husarion-webui/common directory (custom FastDDS setups can also be created here).
  • ros.namespace: (unset) - Namespace for all topics and transforms.

The webui contains the following keys:

  • webui.layout: default - Specifies the layout for the Web UI. Available *.json layout files can be found in the /var/snap/husarion-webui/common directory (custom layouts can also be created here).
  • webui.port: 8080 - Specifies the port for the built-in web server hosting the Web UI.

To set parameters, use the snap set command, e.g.,

snap set husarion-webui webui.layout=panther

Available Apps (Main)

  • husarion-webui.start - Start the daemon running the web UI server.
  • husarion-webui.stop - Stop the daemon running the web UI server.

Working with ROS Parameters

For multiple snaps running ROS 2 or host-snap-Docker communication, useful files and scripts are available in /var/snap/husarion-webui/common/.

Example usage:

# Set parameters in the husarion-webui snap
sudo snap set husarion-webui ros.transport=udp ros.domain-id=123 ros.namespace=abc

# Mirror the setup for other ROS 2 snaps
sudo snap set husarion-depthai $(cat /var/snap/husarion-webui/common/ros_snap_args)
sudo snap set husarion-rplidar $(cat /var/snap/husarion-webui/common/ros_snap_args)

# Set up the current shell with the same configurations
source /var/snap/husarion-webui/common/ros.env

# Install configurations with
source ~/.bashrc

ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args --remap __ns:=/${ROS_NAMESPACE}

Details for husarion-webui

  • unset

Last updated
  • 18 December 2024 - humble/stable
  • 18 December 2024 - humble/edge



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Install husarion-webui on your Linux distribution

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Where people are using husarion-webui

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 24.04