
Install latest/stable of g-dis3

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Channel Version Published

Redis Client Tool developed by C++ with system level stability.

This version supports redis server 6.0.9 and later.


  • This version supports popular data types in redis: string, set, list, hash, sortedset;
  • This version supports Base64 encoded binary key and Base64 encoded binary value;
  • This version supports multiple character set;
  • This version support multiple character sets to switch and display the data content returned from redis server;
  • This version supports reading and writing data on redis server;
  • This version supports limit by using scan operation, so as, it support the rapid response of limited data sets in the process of searching key;
  • In this version, the number of keys in each DB is obtained through the info command.
  • This version supports Command Line Interface for redis operation.


  • Click button 'New' to add a Connection;
  • Select one connection in 'My Favourite', and click button 'Edit' to edit the Connection settings;
  • Select at least one connection in 'My Favourite', and click the button 'Conn' to connect server(s) which you selected in 'My Favourite';
  • Select at least one connection in 'My Favourite', and click the button 'Close' to close the connection which you selected in 'My Favourite';
  • Select at least one connection in 'My Favourite', and click the button 'Rem' to remove the connection setting(s) which you selected in 'My Favourite';
  • After you connected to a Redis Server, you can operate your Redis server's data in the right main operation tab.
  • You can New a key-value pair with 'New' button clicked, Save a key-value with 'Save' button clicked, Delete a key-value with 'Delete' button clicked;
  • All Data which can not decoded to chosen charset string, will be displayed as Base64 Strings.
  • You can input Base64 String starting with ‘\B’ in the search key field to search Binary keys.
  • If you want to get the value of some key, you can just Paste your Key To the Key Field above the '(Re)Load' Button and click '(Re)Load' to load the value of your key.
  • Attention: You can use G-dis3 to operate data with connecting any master node of your Redis Cluster, but you can only choose db0 to operate the data on Redis Cluster.
  • Attention: since the Redis Cluster Node In Docker uses the IP in docker, this software cannot connect to the IP in docker, so it does Not Support the operation of Redis Cluster In Docker.


  • In this App, all binary data is displayed following '\B' in 'Operate Data' interface.
  • This App is published in Ubuntu Software Center, Windows Store and Apple Store synchronously.

By the end, thanks to my family, thanks to my friends, thanks to my Country, you are my strength.


本版本支持Redis 6.0.9及以后版本Server。


  • 本版本支持Redis中的流行数据类型:String、Set、List、Hash、SortedSet;
  • 本版本支持Base64编码二进制key和Base64编码二进制value;
  • 本版本支持多种字符集;
  • 支持多种字符集切换显示从Redis服务器返回的数据内容;
  • 本版本支持读、写Redis服务器上的数据;
  • 本版本通过使用scan操作支持limit,从而支持搜索key过程中有限数据集的快速返回;
  • 本版本通过info指令获取每个db中的Key的数量。


  • 1、点击“新建”添加连接;
  • 2、选中“我的收藏”中的连接,点击“编辑”按钮对连接进行编辑和设置;
  • 3、在“我的收藏”中选中至少一个连接,点击“连接”使软件连接到Redis服务器;
  • 4、在“我的收藏”中选中至少一个连接,点击“关闭”是软件关闭与对应Redis服务器的连接;
  • 5、在“我的收藏”中选中至少一个连接,点击“移除”使软件移除“我保存的链接”中的链接设置;
  • 6、在您连接到Redis服务器后,您可以通过右侧的主功能区域管理Redis服务器上的数据;
  • 7、您可以通过点击“新建”来创建一个新的Key-Value数据对,并通过点击“保存”将新的Key-Value数据对保存到Redis服务器上;
  • 8、您也可以在主功能区的左侧选中某个key后,点击“删除”来删除Redis服务器上的对应数据;
  • 9、在keys的搜索框中,您可以通过以'\B'开头来搜索二进制数据的keys;
  • 10、如果您想要查看Redis服务器上某个已知的key的数据,您可以直接粘贴这个已知的key到Key的输入框中并点击“(重新)加载”按钮来加载该数据;
  • 11、注意:对Redis集群的操作,G-dis可以连接任一主节点进行操作,但db的选择只能是db0。
  • 12、注意:由于Docker内的Redis集群节点采用Docker内IP,本软件无法连接Docker内IP,故不支持Docker内的Redis集群的操作。


  • 1、在本软件中,所有的二进制数据都以“\B”开头。
  • 2、本软件同步发布于Apple Store、Windows应用商店和Ubuntu软件中心。

作者的学研之路以及关于作者: https://www.up-task.com/tf-prediction.html

Details for g-dis3

  • Proprietary

Last updated
  • 27 November 2023 - latest/stable



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Where people are using g-dis3

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04